Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Where's the Estrogen?

It's a BOY!!! If everything works out we will have 4 boys in the house (including the cats) and one girl in menopause! I really think that we need a little more estrogen than that in this house! The appointment went well and everything else looked good. It was neat to be able to see all the body parts and see the baby moving around again. L was very excited it was a this was her prediction. We now are trying to decide on a name...which we are finding it is hard to decide. We still have a little less than 5 months....plenty of time to decide. We thank everyone for all of your support....please keep the prayers coming....we truly hopes this all works out and that in the fall we will have a little boy to cherish.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Countdown

One week until we find out the sex of L's long as he/she cooperates. L and Mike think/want it to be a boy....I think it's a girl...but everyone agrees that a healthy baby is all we really want. We are all excited to be able to see the baby. Mike is going which I am excited for. He was able to take the day off and L is fine with him being there so all is a go.
On another front...I have decided to resign from my job and start working per Diem. Basically I work when they need someone...with no promised hours as in part or full time....but at a higher hourly rate. I have signed up with several companies so I am hoping to work 3 -4 days a week. I did this for multiple reasons. I found I was not happy with the current environment I was working...where I used to be happy. I did not want to be grumpy when coming home to my child. I am hoping everything will work out with L...and if not that we will be matched sometime within the next year. With no family in the area to help occasionally I have decided I need to still work but have more flexibility in my schedule which per Diem allows for. Mighty risky with the economy some may say....except in the health care field. There is plenty of work to be had. I actually pretty much am working all of May and June and have started scheduling July. See..lots of work to be had. This will allow me to still make money and have a little more time with a baby. I am excited for this new journey...but also fearful that it wont work out. In the end I know it will work out...I just need to get used to it. I really believe this is the best thing for our family.
Yesterday I was conversing with L through text messages and at one point I wished her a Happy Mothers Day..and her response was...."I'll tell you that next year." How made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! Keep your fingers crossed.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Conversations with L

Ever wonder how the conversations between L and I go? It still amazes me how easy it is for the two of us to talk....for hours. The topics of our conversations make me laugh...and I'm she is I'm sure...that we dont always talk about the baby. Since it is the "link" between us it would be easy to only talk about the adoption and the baby...but I'm glad I have this much time to get to know her before the baby is born. Friday night we talked about her daughters upcoming birthday...she is going to be 2. We talked about movies...L's upcoming trip to visit her mother out of state...current news parties...etc..etc...etc. I've learned a lot about L. I hope she has learned a lot about us...I think she has. Currently she is struggling with how to handle other peoples opinions regarding her adoption plans. I am not surprised by the reactions of those in her life.....Im sure it must be hard on everyone involved. It is hard for me at the same time to hear about all of this.....each time I think this may be the "straw that breaks the camels back", per say. Each time I wonder...will this person change L's mind...can she handle this for 5 more months? Occassionaly I voice these a round about way. And each time she confirms that there is no way she is changing her mind. I hear her...and I hope....but I continue to hold my breath. I often wonder if I would have her strength...if I could do what she is right now. So....each time we talk....we learn a little more about each other....and we continue to build our relationship. I'm thankful for this time and I hope things continue as expected. So....until things change or until there is a baby....L and I will continue our journey...and our funny conversations about life.