Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My 6 List

I've seen other people make similar lists on their blogs....but I am making my own categories. :-)
6 Things I PLAN to do today:
1. Go to work.
2. Go to a training at another job.
3. Go for a walk with Mike.
4. Pull the weeds out of my front flower bed.
5. Read a book.
6. Paint my toenails.
6 Things that make me HAPPY!!
1. I love working per diem.
2. Being with Mike.
3. Cheese curls
4. Sitting on my deck...when it isnt so hot outside.
5. Thinking about all of our upcoming vacations.
6. The DMB sticker on the back of my car.
6 Things that make me CRINGE:
1. Foul smelling nursing homes ( i've been in a few lately)
2. The thought of L changing her mind.
3. People who constantly complain at work.
4. Headaches.
5. Cat Hairballs.
6. Dead animals on the road...I shiver everytime.
6 Things I hope to Accomplish before Parenthood:
1. Paint the office and Mikes bathroom.
2. Freeze make ahead dinners for those sleepless days and nights.
3. Enjoy every second of our duo status with vacations and sleep.
4. Finish up my scrap booking from our duo years.
5. Work on getting bigger biceps....babies are heavy after awhile!
6. Learn to say NO when work calls.
There you have it! The thoughts which pass through this head of mine. 3.5 months left...nothing has changed and all is fairly quite. L is busy finishing up her semester of school and getting ready for her internship. In a month or so I imagine we will get together with L to make our cooperative agreement since she will be entering her 3rd trimester in a few weeks. We are enjoying our summer....and looking forward to our trips in July and August. I am working like a dog....but loving every minute of it!! I am up to 7 jobs plus my coaching job! July and August are booked up...so the summer will go fast!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I am completely and utterly procrastinating right now. I have a to-do list a mile long and here I am writing in my blog. There have been many times I want to write on a specific topic and I get too busy and the thought is gone. So...if the Father's Day cards are a little late you know why...I was blogging! :-) I mentioned how I have bean weary lately and I'm not sure why. As more time goes on I get attached to the idea of L placing her baby with us. I am hoping and praying that this happens. I am comfortable in this situation. I am ok with the idiosyncrasies of situation. I love the whole idea of the story working...how it has made such an amazing story so far and how it would truly be a dream if all comes full circle. It gives me answers to so many things...it completes so many open ended sentences. It prompts me say.... "I now understand." If you don't know..I am a thinker. I like to process life...why things happen...what am I suppose to learn from this....how will this change me. I have had many truly wonderful life experiences and I have had a few things which have been less than desirable. I think about all these experiences and I feel many things in my life have lead to this adoption experience. Things which the logical mind cannot explain. For this I feel very blessed. I think this is why I am so weary of the situation. I am scared this may not work. I have had way too much time to ponder the meaning of all this (5.5 months to be exact...but who's counting). I like the idea of this answering my questions...of making sense of other events in my life. I am afraid....but don't tell anyone. Haha!! But I will be joyous if this does work out. In the end if it doesn't I know there is another child that will call me mom....and we all will live happily ever after.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Already June!!

Summer is now here....and so we begin the season before L's little one is planned to arrive. We have one season. One season to sleep when we want....to go away just the two of us....to make priority of our needs first. We have lots planned....three DMB concerts...a trip to NY state....a trip to CO...a trip to VA....visit a water park. I am excited for this summer!
Though we have lots of trips planned I am busy working working working right now. I love being PRN...and am excited that this is working out so far. I have been working more than I was when I was full time....and have yet to use the extra time for all my projects I want to get done. Im sure I'll slow down at some point and all this hard work will pay off.
Not much is new on the adoption front. I have tried to talk to L less...which is hard for me. I find myself wondering what she is doing...how she is feeling. I need to give her space now so I will have space later. I have two current feelings floating through my head right now... "We still have lots of time" and " Oh no...only 4 months"! I attribute these to feelings to my entry into parent hood. I am excited to become a parent...it's kinda crazy we may be close. And if we are farther away than I expect...I am ok with that too. I still hold true that if she changes her mind...it wasnt meant to be. I learned a lot from this process and I am thankful for that. When asked by others about the adoption I tend to close up right now. I'm not sure why....I just don't feel like talking about it right now. I think I am tired of waiting....with this trust in someone whom could change my life forever or cause us a temporary heartache. How much can you really say to someone who will be sad if it doesnt work out...but it wont change their life plan. No matter how much our social workers tell us not to attach....wait and see...it is impossible. It is impossible to not fall in love...to not hope and pray....to not prepare for the possible arrival of our son. It is quite overwhelming. I do know it will work out the way it is planned...the way it is meant to be. I am ok with that....I am just ready to know the outcome.