Friday, September 25, 2009

My New Necklace

I love the ETSY shop online. If you haven't been there to must check it out. The other week I was browsing and found this necklace. It came in the mail yesterday and I plan on wearing it until we get our baby. Read below for the designers description...AMAZING!

The designer is an adoptive mom of two. All of her proceeds of the necklaces go towards her adoption court fees for her second child. Below is her description of the necklace on her website.

{LOVE}"Where there is great love, there are always miracles."~Willa Sibert Cather

This particular piece is made with amber. At my little local supply shop, i was researching the holistic properties of stones and gems that I thought were beautiful. I looked up amber and read the following:"amber provides an energy to kindle the realization of choice, helping one to choose and to be chosen." powerful.

If you are a birth parent or an expectant parent considering adoption, I pray you will have the help you need to choose. such big choices await you. If you are an adoptive parent or hopeful adoptive parent, I pray you are chosen quickly and that you will recognize how sacred it is to be "chosen" to be a parent.

Can it get better than that!! Love it!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Me Time

I have been thinking about how I can spend my time now that I am not preparing for a baby. Luckily for me I have great friends and a few of them came over to watch the Steelers game on Sunday. As you can see....the boys are glued to the TV and their laptop computers. Fantasy football people..come on!
We of course were not near the TV!

As you all know I like to keep busy crafting. I've been lurking on a few crafting blogs and have found a few projects which I didn't think I would have time to complete. Now though....I have more time then I thought so I decided to get to work on a quick project. I made a cell-phone/camera pouch. It was super easy. Hmm...what shall I try next?!

On the adoption note. I spoke with our social worker today. She called to see how we are doing. I told her..amazingly...that we are ok with everything. We still truly believe that our child will find their way home. She did mention that they have several situations which they are working on and have not matched yet. It sounded like a few babies may be with foster families and a few babies haven't been born yet.'s to hoping this next stage goes quickly. Until then...we will keep busy. Thanks for all the prayers and wishes. We are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Rest of the Story....

My last post was short.....for obvious reasons. I'm sure many of you have questions so I will summarize the past week. Last week we were supposed to get together with L and make our cooperative agreement. We had yet to decide a day and by Wednesday we set a meeting up for Friday. The agency asked if we could contact her and they would attempt also...but she will usually call me back first. I couldn't get ahold of her. I knew this was bad since she knew we were planning on meeting. I basically played phone tag by myself for a few days since no one was calling me back....not L...not the agency. By this time I knew in my heart things were over. When I finally got ahold of L through text she said she wanted to wait until the e-father talked to the agency again. Remember him...the one who signed his rights away a long time ago. At this point I was very stressed and knew I couldn't handle this situation anymore. I truly believe the expectant father wants to parent despite that he does not have the resources to do so. We decided to walk away from this match since the chance of adoption is now very low. Our social worker stated that it may still come together at the very end...but we are now back in the books and have no obligation to L. Since she was not calling us back I sent her a text wishing her best of luck. She responded by saying not to give up hope yet. I feel bad for her situation as I know she really wants to place this child with us. At the same time she is letting the father live with her...and ultimately he is controlling her. After a few sad moments I feel better than when we were matched. I feel like a ton of bricks has been lifted off my shoulders. I don't like drama...and this was way too much for me. We are still hopeful that there is a child for us...and that they will find their way home. Thank you for all of your prayers and warm wishes. Once again...hardship reminds us how blessed we really or no baby.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Saddest Day

Our match fell through. Not much else to say. We are sad. Such is life at times.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tick Tock

We are getting closer and closer. I am thankful. I really want to see how this is all going to unfold. We are going to set-up the nursery this coming weekend. We have finished re-purposing our office from an office and craft room to a office/craft/spare bedroom. It actually works out a lot better than I thought it would. I am excited to get the nursery it is now a mess of clothes, toys, bedding and disassembled furniture.

We have been sneaking in some fun couple time...dinners out...comedy club....dual piano bar. We also started this exercise program which last 90 days to keep us busy during the rest of the wait. Im hoping to be able to quit after 30 days if I have a son to take care of...but if not it will at least keep me busy while my heart heals. Soccer is up and running again. The girls did so well that they ended up in the Elite division of their league...which is saying a lot since the already play in the highest level of competition at this age. Needless to say...we have a very tough section and lost our first game yesterday....but it was to the same team that we lost to in the finals of the state I'll give them this one loss!! In the spring we play the top teams from NY, PA, WV, NJ, VA, MD and DE. I am excited for the girls...they are sooo talented!

I have also been busy getting a gift together for L. Nothing seems to be adequate enough to express my thanks. I started a letter which I hope to wrap up soon. I have also started one for the birthfather...though it has been a lot more difficult to write since we have never met.

I am feeling slightly more anxious as the time ticks on. I think I am this way because I know she delivered two weeks early with her last child. Do the math....that means it could be really soon!!! Please pray for everyone involved with this situation. Please send L warm wishes and strength. Please pray for the birthfather.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I couldn't stay away!

SO....I said I wasn't going to post for awhile. Then I realized that some of you like the updates. I have decided to write...but please pardon my less than poetic pose right now. It would take me forever to try and put my feelings into you will have to read whatever my fingers type out! Last week we met with our social worker to review our cooperative agreement before with sit down with L. She was very supportive of all of our decisions. She thought L defiantly choose the right family since we are so open and willing to accept whatever comes our way with this match. She also reviewed how the hospital experience typical goes which helps us paint a better picture of what to expect on delivery day. She talked about what we should have ready. Little does she know that we have a ton of baby stuff!! I told her how we are ready....we have done every appointment under the sun (DR, Vet, eye, hair...etc) and even assembled pre-made meals
that only need popped in the oven. We are ready....well kinda. Im not sure how ready I am for sleepless nights...a crying baby...the anxiety of the 30 day waiting period. But we are enjoying our days as a dou. We enjoyed going to the rib fest this weekend at the football stadium. Afterwards, we sat on a park bench overlooking the city....and I realized....this may be the last summer of just us....being lazy...sitting on a park bench....completely relaxed. The next time we sit on a park bench we may have our child with us...and it may not be so relaxing...
but it will be oh so worth it!