has been soooo long since I posted. I haven't officially left blogger land, despite that it seems I have. Instead I stalk everyone else's blog. Craft blogs, home decor blogs, adoption blogs...I am guilty of reading all of them. Then I never have time to post because they give me ideas of projects and agencies...oh my. In truth this blog only partially functioned as I thought anyways. When I began blogging I had no idea the extent of the blogging world. At the time, I started the blog to keep everyone up to date on our adoption journey. Which I did...but then I would post about all sorts of things. And in the end....there were more things I wanted to blog about...but never found the time. Now here I sit ( in the wee hours of the morning)...and I ponder what I want to do with this blog. But first....let me show you a few of the things I have missed blogging about in the past few months.
What a cutie...already learning to pose and look good!

She turned one on Oct 20, 2009! We had a BIG party....with LOTS of people. The theme was Ladybugs....she even got a ladybug pillowpet. It was nice....but kinda big and crazy. We dubbed it a finalization party as well...but unfortunately still had not finalized by then.

She got hives from the red icing...splendid!

She was a pumkin for Halloween. We went to Nana and Papas where she enjoyed watching all the Big kids...and raiding there candy basket! On Halloween night we trick-o-treated to 4 houses on the cul-de-sac and that was enough for both of us!

She loves taking all her books off the shelve! What fun!
As you can see....we have been busy! We also finalized her adoption in November so I will write another post about that event. Now...where do I go from here with the blog. Well...our big announcement is that we submitted the paperwork for adoption #2 this week!! So....I think we need a new name to this blog....a new layout...and I need to get motivated again to keep track of this second process. I like that I have documented the process....the memories...the emotions. I like how someday they will get to read this unedited...when they are old enough. So thats that...I will continue..hopefully more we begin the next journey towards becoming a family of four!!