Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Other Side

Many of you have talked to me or read about our side of the adoption story. But how many have you talked to a birthmother about her experience? Please grab a few tissues and watch the following video. It reveals the pain a birthmother goes through. It reminds me that the process of adoption is so joyous and so painful all in a single moment. I really think my heart hurts....and I feel for L. I cant imagine.

He Deserves More - A BirthMother's Story

Tomorrow is L's 12 week ultrasound....and I get to go!! Watch for updates this weekend!!


Jason & April said...

That video what both heartbreaking and touching...

Have fun tomorrow at the ultrasound!! I can't wait to hear about it!

Anonymous said...

You were right Megan brought tears to my eyes. I think about both of you often or should I say all four of you. Love Jeanie