Sunday, April 19, 2009

Patiently Waiting

I try to read other blogs and surf adoption forums/groups to help make this unfamiliar process a little less intimidating. I truly believe the process of adoption is unique to each person and it is what you decide it to be. It helps to hear others stories to help open your eyes to things you never thought about before.

One topic keeps coming up and it completely irks me ( for lack of a better term). I truly wish people would look at the bigger picture. Many waiting pre-adoptive parents ( mostly waiting moms) talk about how they are tired of waiting and how they "hate" pregnant people. REALLY?? (Doesn't someone have to be pregnant for you to get a baby through adoption?) I even read a post from a lady who was glad her sister-in-law had a miscarriage because she had been waiting longer for her adoption and she felt it wasn't fair that her sister-in-law was going to get a baby before she was. REALLY?? Now come on. I have never wished anything bad on an expectant mother. I am happy when others announce their pregnancy. I am glad I get invited to baby showers. I am happy when I get to visit my friends & family's little ones. I am upset when I'm not told about someones pregnancy because they feel I will be hurt. I do understand how sometimes I get a little twinge of hurt that vibrates through me...the one that whispers...I wish I could've had a baby with my hands/eyes/feet...but never would that hurt wish pain for another person. I believe you are given what you can handle in life. I can handle will make me a stronger person...and this strength will make me a better parent. case you were wondering...I am not one of those mean grumpy baby avoiding waiting adoptive moms to be. Please invite me to your baby showers...please let me hold your baby...let me be happy for you. I know you will be happy for me when I get to be a mother.

L is 14.5 weeks now. She will schedule her 20 week u/s this coming week. Then begins the count down to find out if it is a boy...or a girl. We are going to find out. I know L wants to know...and if she knows...we will know...I don't think she could keep it a secret.

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