Saturday, February 27, 2010

4 month preview!

The craziness of life has caught up with me and blogging has fallen way down on the list of things to do. We move in two weeks out of our old house and in three weeks we will be moving into our new house. We are inching our way to the finish line of this whole moving process and I am ever so excited. The process has been daunting at times and I am glad soon it will be over.

We have had an unexpected death in the family and all are still recovering from that. Mikes grandfather passed away at the age of 89. He has been so healthy until recently so his passing was a shock to his close knit family. I'm sure their strength as a family will pull them through this time and I hope that the good memories of his life keep the warmness in their hearts.

Leah turned 4 months old last week!! We missed her well baby check up due to the unfortunate circumstance and then proceeded to miss the second appointment due to another snow storm! I must admit at some level I am glad we missed it...I am not looking forward to those shots. Monday though we are off to get her official weigh in and the oh so pleasant shots.

Without delay....a few pictures of this cutie!


Toni W said...

Leah looks so sweet. I cant believe she's 4 months old. Congratulations on the new house and good luck with the move. miss you -Toni

Toni W said...


Jodi said...

So sweet! :)

Sorry to hear about the death in the family, hope you are doing okay!