Monday, April 12, 2010

First, First, First!! A Big 5th Month!

Can you believe that little Leah will be hitting 6 months in just over a week! This month has gone fast with the move but we couldn't be happier! Life is now perfect and each day seems a little sweeter. This has been a big month for all of us and it has brought a lot of firsts for Leah. This month she started on rice cereal which she wasn't fond of in the least bit. After a week of uncertainty she came down with her first cold and fever just in time for Easter. Once she was feeling better....which was only a few short days....we tried cereal and added sweet potatoes to the mix and she started to get the hang of it! Now she will eat peas, sweet potatoes, squash, rice cereal. On her "dislike" list is applesauce! I think it is a little too tart for her liking! She still takes 5 bottles a day but with less amounts. She also started napping for two hour time lengths, twice a day! I love that and feel I can actually get something done during her naps. She likes to have a snuggly blanket with her during those naps and yes...I let her have it. Also this month she finally figured out how to roll from tummy to back but still needs a little encouragement from something to do so. She is just such a content little girl that moving around isn't her top priority. She loves to sit up and is getting better balance each day. She continues to be very inquisitive and everyone comments on that. Well, that and all of her hair! More ringlets are forming and they are cuter than ever! She likes to pull at her hair when shes tired and will do that at nap time. I'm surprised she hasn't started pulling it out yet! She is also getting her first tooth! You can see the tooth pushing through the bottom gum and feel the hard surface. She actually doesn't seem bothered by it....which is just her style. She is chewing on her thumb and just about everything else so I know she feels it. She continues to have stranger anxiety but seems to get over it some once she is around you for awhile. In time this will all end...and all the visitors are ready for that. I can't believe how much she has changed since moving from Pittsburgh. My love and amazement grow for this little girl everyday. She is truly amazing!! Here are some pictures from the last month!

1 comment:

Toni W said...

Oh she's getting so big!! She's absolutly beautiful. Miss you guys

P.S. the bunny was from Jess... she still has 5 more if your interested