Thursday, May 27, 2010

Could Life Get Sweeter!!

I know that my last few posts have been pretty mushy and a little over the top with how perfect my life is right now...but it truly is and I very much am grateful. Just when I was sure that life couldn't get any sweeter it has!! Over a month ago I saw a job opening at the local college in their OT Department for a fieldwork coordinator. I thought...what a great opportunity....I should apply. That I did....then I heard nothing for almost a month. I figured I wasn't what they were looking for....until I got a call for an interview! I was so excited...then I became stressed....this is kinda a big thing. I have to interview with the entire department...then the head of 3 departments...and possibly the Dean!! Ugh....queasiness spread over me! Could I work at a college....teach college courses....coordinate the fieldwork program? All unknown territory for me....but oh what an amazing opportunity! A little over a week ago I had my interview which went very well...or at least I thought so. And today I found out they thought so too....they offered me the position!! It's a 10 month I get the summers off....and I also get 15 holidays and 2.5 weeks of vacation....get to be immersed in the college surrounded by awesome professors....get to work with students whose minds are fresh and potential unlimited. I can life get any sweeter than this!! August I will start my new position and praise God for being so gracious. I never would have dreamed that I would be here...that I would have my perfect life. Once again....

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