Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A long and quick month!

The last thing I need to be doing right now is writing a blog post. That being said I will type quickly so someday I can remember this part of my life. This first month at my job has been rewarding, stressful ( my husband will vouch for this, poor guy), challenging and exciting. In all....I feel like this is where I'm supposed to be...and for once...I find myself thinking about long term plans. I love working with the college students, I love teaching, I find the challenge a right fit for me. On the flip side, I hate mod classes, preparing copious amounts of lecture notes in a short time period and the disorganization which was left for me to fix. The nice thing about the "hate" list is that within a short time these things will be fixed and by next year it should be smooth sailing. I have met some awesome individuals who will support my growth as an Occupational Therapist, as a co-worker, as a fieldwork coordinator and as a person....and all of those roles are very exciting to me.

In the mean time, Mike needed toe surgery while getting a cold...and then Leah developed a cold/virus. I seemed to escape the cold/virus but have been dragging around some sort of bug/allergy/dizziness which will strike at random times but in all leave me alone. meltdown occurred on a three prong level which left each of us less desirable as the days went on. Obviously, things are starting to look up and we are now at least able to interact with others in a reasonably nice manner. I think the outside world is quite happy that the sickness is leaving the house.

Leah is cruising everywhere and is starting to stand without holding onto anything. Usually this only occurs when she is distracted by some toy or object which she isn't supposed to have. Because yes....she finds a way of getting everything she isn't supposed to...despite full blown childproof efforts from her "dumber and dumber" supervisors. But alas, as she is sitting there playing with the plastic bag, she shoots you the cutest little grin and scrunchy eyes which melts your heart and you seem to forget the plastic bag at the moment. I have determined that children learn these faces as a means of distraction so they can accomplish their goal of destructive sneaky behaviors. I am glad that God has blessed them with this skill and will welcome these cute little facial expressions while she throws her yogurt all over the wall and table for the tenth time. They melt me. True love rests in those faces.

She is also becoming a little stair master. At times she gets a little energy spurt, usually fueled by daddy teasing her, and will quickly bound up a few steps in a blink of an eye. She goes up on her own with one of us closely behind.

She also LOVES swings, her wagon and riding in the shopping cart....and without enough of a conversation....will throw a tantrum when she has to get out. Of course, the more people to witness the louder the tantrum. Fun.

We are getting ready for her first birthday party. Her birthmother and birthsister will be joining us and we are super excited. We were hoping her adoption would be final but its not. More than anything it's just annoying that we are still waiting to finalize. Apparently we are just waiting for the court to set a date...but I have a feeling someone dropped the ball somewhere. Who knows, deep down it really doesn't matter I suppose.

Check back in a few weeks for her party pics!!

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