Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Tie That Binds Us

Mike is heading out of town this weekend so it is a long weekend of just the kiddo and I. I have been gearing up for my new job which starts on monday. Today I sat down with the person who did the job before me. She is an adoptive mother also. We had so much work to do but our conversation of course led us to adoption. She gets it. She gets it without explanation. She gets it without question and without a blink of an eye. It was a really nice conversation. I'm looking forward to my next chat with her, on adoption, not work! The other cool thing about my new job is that there is another faculty member joining our team who is in the process of adopting 3 from foster care. Wow! Can we just say I was meant to work here!! Another one who gets it! I think I must have a fall cook out one evening. A place where we can talk and vent and just understand. Sounds so welcoming....I better find some invites! I can honestly say I have no idea how it feels to be pregnant or what the journey is like giving birth to your own child. Most say they have no idea what it's like to adopt. It's so nice finding those who know the adoption journey. It's so nice having a conversation where everyone else understands. I'm really looking forward to getting to know these individuals and maybe starting up an informal group. As you know Mike and I are starting to think about number 2. We had a plan but maybe after meeting these individuals its may be different than what we thought. Time will tell!

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