The designer is an adoptive mom of two. All of her proceeds of the necklaces go towards her adoption court fees for her second child. Below is her description of the necklace on her website.
{LOVE}"Where there is great love, there are always miracles."~Willa Sibert Cather
This particular piece is made with amber. At my little local supply shop, i was researching the holistic properties of stones and gems that I thought were beautiful. I looked up amber and read the following:"amber provides an energy to kindle the realization of choice, helping one to choose and to be chosen." powerful.
If you are a birth parent or an expectant parent considering adoption, I pray you will have the help you need to choose. such big choices await you. If you are an adoptive parent or hopeful adoptive parent, I pray you are chosen quickly and that you will recognize how sacred it is to be "chosen" to be a parent.
Can it get better than that!! Love it!