Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Rough Weekend

I need to get through this funk. I thought I was until friday...when the time hit me again. Our social worker has emailed us telling us they are busy. Not really what I want to hear because my phone is still not ringing. They can be working with 20 e-moms and we could still not be chosen. So there it is....I don't want to hear about how busy they are. I don't want to feel like the un-chosen. The ones they didn't want. Don't get me wrong - I know we will be the chosen ones in time. I am so thankful to follow others adoption journeys through blogs...I know I am not the only ones with these feelings. The past month has been the hardest month of this journey. bad month out of 18 months is really not that bad.

Onto other news. There was a potential opportunity for Mike to interview near our hometown....which we were very excited about...but after much discussion after a few long weeks...we found out they are not going to fill the position again. So....along with the bubble bursting on the adoption...we also had the disappointment of not being able to move closer to our family. BUT....he is now considering a possible job in the corporate office....which is also closer to our family. Cross your fingers...I could use some family near by right now.

So there you have it. Adoption stress + failed job opportunity = Megan's funk.
Baby + a promotion for Mike = Goodbye Funk!!

Say some prayers for my funk eliminators! :-)


E said...

Sorry to hear that you're feeling down. I hope something happens with your husband's job that would allow your wish to be near family come true!

As for the agency...I can understand your frustration. It's difficult to hear that they're busy, but your phone is quiet. Hopefully, you'll get some good news soon;)

Jodi said...

Aw, the funk...unfortunately, I'm all-too-familiar with it!

Sending prayers your way! I'll drop you an email soon!